Bridgestone Associates prepared a complete detailed design for an 11 MW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant for large food manufacturing plant in Iowa. This natural gas fired CHP plant is based around two used and refurbished Solar T60 combustion turbines with Rentech Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs). The CHP equipment was originally installed at the United States Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in North Chicago, Illinois where it operated from 2005 until being shut down by the US Navy in 2014. The complete CHP plant was salvaged and removed by Bryan Power Generation and transported to the new location where it is being reinstalled adjacent to the large food manufacturing facility. It will generate approximately 11 MW of electrical power and up to 90,000 lb/hr of 350 psig steam for process use. Provision for a 2 MW 350/165 psig back-pressure steam turbine to be added later was designed into the system. Plant construction started in mid-summer 2016 with completion due in mid-2017.